I found some "beauty"... since this blog is called... "in search of beauty"
The story of Jane Eyre. Written by Charlotte Bronte. I have never read it but I did listen to the musical in high school. I always felt I would like it but never saw a film or read the book. But the other day I was in the Library and I saw the Masterpiece Theatre version from 2006.. so I picked it up and watched it the other night. all 3 1/2 hours of it. Up until 3:30am. It was captivating. I was giddy. It is a darker romance and sooo beautiful. Set in the early 1800's in England.
I love Jane...
She is plain, reserved, talented, empathetic, hard-working, honest, blunt, and passionate girl. Noble. She learns to love. She learns to be alive. To live. She struggles. She stands strong. She doesn't settle for less than passionate love. She loves Mr. Rodchester so deeply. So passionately. She realizes she can not live without him and loves him for his soul and not his appearence, wealth, or past.

this proposal scene took my breath away
I just love stories. Epic stories of love,loss, passion, and honor.
ok thats enough. I wanna play women like Jane.
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