Hi dearest family and friends!
I was reading some dear friends Blog's and decided to start one of my own. Just so I can share my life with those I love. I hope this gives you a glimpse of my life here in Charleston.
I have been here for a little over a month and I'm loving every minute.
The city itself is stunning. Downtown is precious, alive, fun, and historical. The shops and the buildings are adorable! One highlight of Downtown for me in King Street! This is where our theatre is and another special theatre!! In the movie the Notebook ( my fav movie) there is a scene filmed on King Street at a theatre there. It was special seeing it and walking the street. Silly and girly, I know, but special none the less! The beaches are also breathtaking. Such a perfect place to get away for an afternoon by myself or a place to spend time with friends. Im also trying to work on my Puerto Rican tan!
Speaking of Puerto Rico... We have begun WEST SIDE STORY and it is truly magical. I am blown away by the grace of God that we are doing this show. It is one of my favorites shows ever! And Im playing Anita and she is one of the best roles ever! She is sharp, sexy, bold, and fiesty. I love it! Im getting to dance so much and my body has been in shock from the intensity and athletisism of it. But it is worth every sore muscle. West Side is a show about love, passion, hate, youth, and living in peace with people who are different. IT IS POWERFUL. The music, dance, and story make it a musical of epic meaning.
Lastly I must share about my new friends and cast members. There are 5 other "resident actors." We bonded immediately. We laugh ALL THE TIME! They are a special group of recent graduates with different strengths and personalities and we work so well together . We just finished collaborating on HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL with 63, 2nd -11th graders. We did a summer camp and got to choreograph and co-direct with our boss and director, Mary-Beth. She is a trip and a wonderful to work with and for everyday. HSM was a blast and so rewarding. I love being a part of igniting in kids a passion for theatre!
I truly love musical theatre more and more everyday! God is so good to give me a calling in something I am so passionate about. And I get paid to do it.
Viveka and I found a really wonderful church that we are super excited to go to every week. Its big but the music and teaching's are so Christ filled. Its really wonderful. God is so real and present in our lives. I feel at peace and challenged at the same time. Life is good. Viveka is a wonderful roomie and we have a wonderful apartment. And the company gave us a free membership to a great gym downtown.
Above are some pics of people and places I am growing to love.
Till next time... my love to you!
Sarah Claire
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